51st Meeting
European Brain and Behaviour Society
Bordeaux, France | 28 June - 1 July 2025
51st Meeting
European Brain and Behaviour Society
Bordeaux, France | 28 June - 1 July 2025
51st Meeting
European Brain and Behaviour Society
Bordeaux, France
28 June - 1 July 2025
Satellite Event
Visit this page for details
Opening ceremony
Plenary Session
Keynote Lecture
Inbal Goshen (Jerusalem, Israel)
Astrocytes in high brain function
Parallel Symposia
Astrocytic control of emotion and cognition
Chairs: Paula Gomez Sotres (Bordeaux, France) & Giada Pacinelli (Genoa, Italy)
Paula Gomez Sotres (Bordeaux, France)
Astrocytic mitochondrial CB1 receptors link social transmission of stress to cognitive adaptations
Giada Pacinelli (Genoa, Italy)
Astrocytes-Somatostatin Neurons Communication in the Prefrontal Cortex Modulates Emotion Discrimination
Alexandre Charlet (Strasbourg, France)
Astrocytes in mice central amygdala mediates oxytocin-dependent behavioral adaptation
Andrew Holmes (Rockville, MD, USA)
Astrocytic contributions to neural representation to amygdala-mediated memory
Thinking (too much) about food: understanding the neurobiology of eating disorders
Chair: Maria-Beatrice Passani (Florence, Italy)
Suzanne Dickson (Gothenburg, Sweden)
Delving into the brain’s orexigenic systems
Roger Adan (Utrecht, The Netherlands)
A new mouse model for food anxiety in anorexia nervosa
Gustavo Provensi (Florence, Italy)
Does neuronal histamine play a role in binge eating disorder?
Aniko Korosi (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
Combatting early-life stress through nutrition: focus on neuroinflammation
Neurobiology of sex differences in drug addiction
Chair: Céline Nicolas (Bordeaux, France)
Liana Fattore (Cagliari, Italy)
Serotoninergic mechanisms in methamphetamine addiction and related behavioral effects: the modulating role of sex
Anna Li (College Park, MD, USA)
Role of mitochondrial dynamics in incubation of oxycodone craving in male and female rats
Claudia Fornari (Bordeaux, France)
Sex differences in insular cortex function in persistent alcohol drinking despite aversion in mice
Jennifer Murray (Guelph, Canada)
Hormonal influence on cocaine relapse circuitry
Coffee Break
Plenary Session
Young investigators Awards
Blitz presentations
Welcome reception - Wine & Cheese
Plenary Session
Keynote Lecture (sponsored by IBRO)
Hailan Hu (Hangzhou, China)
Neural mechanism of psychedelics as rapid antidepressants
Poster Session - Sponsors Time - Coffee
Parallel Symposia
The immune mind: how immunity shapes mood and behavior
Chairs: Arnau Busquets Garcia (Barcelona, Spain) & Silvia Castany Quintana (Linköping, Sweden)
Ciaran Murphy Royal (Montréal, Canada)
Sex-specific behavioural responses to stress are mediated by astrocytic glucocorticoid receptors
Agnes Nadjar (Bordeaux, France)
Neuroimmune Mechanisms in Metabolic Resilience
Caroline Menard (Quebec City, Canada)
Pericytes modulate brain vascular integrity in social stress and depression
Silvia Castany Quintana (Linköping, Sweden)
Neuronal modulation of inflammation during negative mood
Ventral hippocampal circuits in reward motivated behavior
Chair: Maithe Arruda-Carvalho (Toronto, Canada)
Maithe Arruda-Carvalho (Toronto, Canada)
Maturation of hippocampal projections defines a pathway specific sensitive period for cognitive flexibility
Stéphane Ciocchi (Bern, Switzerland)
Hippocampal contextualization of social rewards
Rosemary Bagot (Montréal, Canada)
Ventral-hippocampal inputs to nucleus accumbens integrate reward to modulate behavioural engagement
Robin Piquet (Oxford, United Kingdom)
A hippocampo-cortical pathway detects changes in the validity of an action as a predictor of reward
Serve yourself: adaptive regulation of behavior across physiological states
Chairs: Suzanne Dickson (Gothenburg, Sweden) & Anna Schröder (Munich, Germany)
Linda Engström-Ruud (Gothenburg, Sweden)
Neural substrates of semaglutide-induced weight loss
Amelia Douglass (Vienna, Austria)
The circadian control of hunger
Nicolas Gutierrez-Castellanos (Valencia, Spain)
Not in the mood: neural mechanisms for the cyclical control of female sexual rejection
Anne Petzold (Göttingen, Germany)
Beyond feeding: how gut hormones drive social and sexual behavior
Break for lunch (on your own)
Parallel Symposia
Sex-specific hormonal and genomic mechanisms in stress responses
Chair: Carmen Sandi (Lausanne, Switzerland)
Jordan Marrocco (New York, NY, USA)
Implication of serotonergic agonists in the hippocampal genomic response to stress of male and female mice
Marija Kundakovic (New York, NY, USA)
Single-cell multiome insights into ventral hippocampal dynamics: sex and estrous cycle effects on emotion and anxiety-related behaviors
Francesca Cirulli (Rome, Italy)
Psychological and metabolic stressors share common mechanisms but exert sex-dependent effects in male and female mice
Dogukan Ülgen (Lausanne, Switzerland)
The impact of sex-related hormones on anxiety and motivation: mechanisms in the nucleus accumbens
Precision meets nature: rising automation for the continuous behavioral testing of rodents
Chairs: Jaime de la Rocha (Barcelona, Spain) & Alicja Puścian (Warsaw, Poland)
Alicja Puścian (Warsaw, Poland)
Modelling collective behavior in groups of mice housed under semi-naturalistic conditions
Balma Serrano (Barcelona, Spain)
The Training Village: An open platform for continuous testing of rodents in cognitive tasks
Julija Krupic (Cambridge, United Kingdom)
A fully-automated long-term phenotyping of mouse cognition and behaviour
Tali Kimchi (Rehovot, Israel)
Social organization in groups of wild house mice
Learning and memory consolidation across brain states: wakefulness and sleep
Chair: Marion Inostroza (Tübingen, Germany)
Anuck Sawangjit (Tübingen, Germany)
Memory consolidation during sleep and wakefulness
David Dupret (Oxford, United Kingdom)
Diversity of hippocampal network events for memory consolidation
Flavio Schmidig (Tel Aviv, Israel)
Formation and retrieval of episodic memory beyond awareness
Mélanie Strauss (Brussel, Belgium)
Characterization of the state of vigilance/consciousness during sleep onset and its clinical applications
Poster Session - Sponsors Time - Coffee
Plenary Session
Mid career Award
Plenary Session
Diversity Award
Plenary Session
Keynote Lecture
Mark Walton (Oxford, United Kingdom)
Connecting dopamine across time and space with adaptive decision making
Young Researchers Party
Plenary Session
Keynote Lecture
Cyril Herry (Bordeaux, France)
Neuronal representations of defensive behaviors
Poster Session - Sponsors Time - Coffee
Parallel Symposia
Epigenetic mechanisms in stress sensitivity and adaptation: from early life to adulthood (sponsored by ISDN)
Chair: Elad Lax (Ariel, Israel)
Natalia Schilder (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
Modulation of hypothalamic DNA methylation via early methyldonor supplementation protects against emotional dysregulation induced by early life stress
Elad Lax (Ariel, Israel)
DNA methylation contributes to prenatal maternal stress- associated pain hyper-sensitivity in adulthood
Johannes Bohacek (Zurich, Switzerland)
Distinct molecular mechanisms of stress habituation in the mouse hippocampus
Catherine Peña (Princeton, NJ, USA)
Epigenetic priming of stress sensitivity across the lifespan
Neuronal plasticity of the social brain: understanding individual differences in sociability
Chairs: Diego Scheggia (Milan, Italy) & Hanna Hoernberg (Berlin, Germany)
Sanja Bauer Mikulovic (Magdeburg, Germany)
Dorsal hippocampal circuits govern helping behavior in mice
Salvatore Lecca (Lausanne, Switzerland)
A neural substrate for negative affect supports parenting
Hanna Hoernberg (Berlin, Germany)
Molecular mechanisms of social heterogeneity
Diego Scheggia (Milan, Italy)
Individual differences in prosocial learning are represented in the hippocampus
Novel cellular and circuit mechanisms underlying adaptive behavioral states
Chairs: Andrew Holmes (Rockville, MD, USA) & Nicolas Singewald (Innsbruck, Austria)
Helena Janickova (Prague, Czech Republic)
Nicotinic receptors in different regions and neuronal types control social behavior
Thibault Bittar (Bordeaux, France)
Impact of early life and adult stress on anterior insular cortex activity during anxiety-related behaviors in mice
Anna Beroun (Warsaw, Poland)
Activity of dopamine-sensitive neurons in the central amygdala in processing rewarding and aversive behaviors
Luisa Pinto (Braga, Portugal)
Targeting adult hippocampal cytogenesis in depression: the therapeutic potential of psilocybin
Break for lunch (on your own)
Parallel Symposia
Tracking dynamics of emotion in the brain, indication of psychiatric diseases
Chair: Simon Chang (Regensburg, Germany)
Cornelius Gross (Rome, Italy)
How does context and experience shape social fear circuits?
Sabine Krabbe (Bonn, Germany)
Functional diversity of inhibitory amygdala microcircuits
Francesco Papaleo (Genoa, Italy)
Inter-brain circuits of emotion recognition
Federica Fermani (Regensburg, Germany)
Signatures of behavioural integration in the extended-amygdala
Sex differences and convergences in threat processing and avoidance behavior across species
Chair: Joanna Dabrowska (North Chicago, IL, USA)
Joanna Dabrowska (North Chicago, IL, USA)
CRF-BNST neurons modulate anxiety-potentiated startle in a sex- and estrous phase-dependent manner
Raul Andero (Barcelona, Spain)
Sex differences in neural projections of fear memory processing in mice and humans
Sydney Trask (West Lafayette, IN, USA)
Prior stress exacerbates avoidance learning in female, but not male, rats
Laura Luyten (Leuven, Belgium)
Subtle sex differences in costly avoidance
Insights on the effects of early life experiences: from childhood to adulthood (sponsored by ISDN)
Chairs: Ermis Ryakiotakis (Warsaw, Poland) & Hanna Trebesova (Warsaw, Poland)
Sara Morley Fletcher (Lille, France)
Oxytocinergic interventions in lactating mothers: a promising approach to mitigate maternal distress and improve offspring outcomes
Esther Castillo Gómez (Castelló de la Plana, Spain)
The social brain after early-life stress. Medial amygdala somatostatin neurons in focus
Nicole Ferrara (Chicago, IL, USA)
Play period social deprivation alters maturing amygdala circuits supporting age-specific social behavior in adolescents and adults
Viviana Trezza (Rome, Italy)
Sex-dependent impact of adverse environmental factors during development: from molecular mechanisms to therapeutic perspectives
ALBA network / Panel discussion
Coffee Break
Parallel Symposia
Decision-making in context: neural circuits of contextual regulation of motivated behaviors
Chair: Ronald Keiflin (Santa Barbara, CA, USA)
Ronald Keiflin (Santa Barbara, CA, USA)
Orbitofrontal circuits in the contextual hierarchical regulation of reward predictions
Andrew Macaskill (London, United Kingdom)
A role for ventral hippocampus in hidden state inference
Shauna Parkes (Bordeaux, France)
Context-dependent value encoding across species
Damiano Terenzi (Marseille, France)
Social context and drug cues modulate inhibitory control in cocaine addiction: involvement of the STN evidenced through functional MRI
Stress and trauma across the lifespan (sponsored by ISDN)
Chair: Bianca Silva (Valbonne, France)
Laura Cancedda (Genoa, Italy)
Traumatic life experiences during specific critical Periods in life lead to diverse developmental trajectories
Mathias Schmidt (Munich, Germany)
Sex differences in shaping resilience by genes and early experiences: mechanistic insights through deep phenotyping approaches
Yang Zhan (Shenzhen, China)
Social information processing and isolation stress on social recognition
Aline Desmedt (Bordeaux, France)
Multilevel hippocampal alterations specifically underlie PTSD-like memory
Impact of insular cortex neuromodulation on behaviors
Chairs: Mario Carta (Bordeaux, France) & Anna Beyeler (Bordeaux Cedex, France)
Anna Beyeler (Bordeaux Cedex, France)
Dopamine transmission in the anterior insula shapes the neural coding of anxiety
Federico Bermúdez Rattoni (Mexico City, Mexico)
Enlightening dopaminergic cerebral circuits can improve cognitive dysfunction
Kobi Rosenblum (Haifa, Israel)
An anterior-posterior insula circuit mediates retrieval of conditioned immune response in mice
Sarah Stern (Jupiter, FL, USA)
Cell-type specificity in the insular cortex modulates distinct aspects of feeding behavior
Gala dinner
Plenary Session
Keynote Lecture (sponsored by ISDN)
Antonia Hamilton (London, United Kingdom)
Tracking neural and behavioural synchrony to understand social interaction
EBBS Assembly General Meeting
Poster Session - Sponsors Time - Coffee
Parallel Symposia
Neurobiology of punishment
Chairs: Gavan McNally (Sydney, Australia) & Nathan Marchant (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
Bita Moghaddam (Portland, OR, USA)
Reward and punishment conflict learning as a model of anxiety
Nathan Marchant (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
Role of anterior insula cortex in conflict between reward and punishment
Caitlin Orsini (Austin, TX, USA)
The role of dopamine D2 receptors in the amygdala in punishment-based decision making
Gavan McNally (Sydney, Australia)
Amygdala mechanisms of punishment learning
Converging pathways: understanding hippocampal replay by bridging experimentation and modelling
Chairs: Eleonore Duvelle (Glasgow, United Kingdom) & John Widloski (Berkeley, CA, USA)
John Widloski (Berkeley, CA, USA)
A simple model of hippocampal sequences accounts for the temporal organization of theta sweeps and replay
Lisa Genzel (Nijmegen, The Netherlands)
Semantic memory consolidation and ripples
Jacob Bakermans (Geneva, Switzerland)
Building compositional maps in replay
Elisa Massi (Cergy, France)
Modelling the contribution of hippocampal replay activity in appetitive and aversive spatial learning
Neural mechanisms of food valuation: a cross-species perspective on nutrients
Chairs: Hui-Kuan Chung (Zurich, Switzerland) & Dana Small (Montréal, Canada)
Ivan De Araujo (Tübingen, Germany)
The role of the gut-brain axis in food acceptance and rejection
Fei-Yang Huang (Oxford, United Kingdom)
The role of primate amygdala in sensory and nutrient food decision
Hui-Kuan Chung (Zurich, Switzerland)
The neural basis of interactions between nutrients
Dana Small (Montréal, Canada)
Brain-body interactions as a driver of food choice in humans
Break for lunch (on your own)
Poster prizes
Plenary Session
Keynote Lecture
Stephen Maren (Champaign, IL, USA)
Closing ceremony